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Known Issues & limitations

1. Deleted labels are still suggested in label field

Sometimes deleted labels might be still suggested as recent labels. This is caused by Jira storing recently used labels in browser local storage. There is a ticket to fix this in Jira Issue tracker.

In the meantime, you can delete the local storage data from your browser. To do that, open ConsoleApplication (or Storage in Firefox) → Local Storage. After that, find your Jira URL, right click and use Delete All popup to delete temporary data stored in your browser.

2. Field 'labels' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown

When editing and deleting labels, sometimes you might get this error.


Error message when labels field is not editable

This happens when label is not in Create or Edit Screen. You can add labels field to those screen, and it should work as expected.

You can find screens from Project Settings → Issues → Screens.


Add labels field to Jira screens

3. Two similar labels with the same issues

A label with uppercase and lowercase (i.e. “Mobile” and “mobile”) are displayed as two separate labels on the app, but the issue count for both labels are the same.

This is due to JQL’s inability to differentiate lower and uppercase, i.e. JQL is case-insensitive when it comes to labels.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.