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Apply Templates to Existing Issues

The main feature in Issue Templates Pro for Jira is to enable templating during issue creation. However, there are some cases where an issue might be created without templates.

We have now made it possible to apply a template even after an issue is created. For example, this feature can cover the following use cases:

  • Apply templates to issues (requests) created by JSM customers

  • Apply templates to existing issues in backlog

  • Apply templates to issues created via API, Automation or other apps

Open an issue → Click on More action (…) buttonApply template


Apply template to existing issues

Proceed to Select the templateSaveProceed.


Please note: Issue’s summary and description will be replaced.

There is no template in the dropdown

If the dropdown is empty, it means that there is no template assigned to the project yet.

Go to Issue Templates Pro appCreate IssueAdd template.

Please refer to Using Issue Templates in Jira for a complete guide about setting up templates.

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