Security Bug Fix Policy
It’s our priority that our apps are secure. We can assure that our apps cannot be used to compromise customers' systems. If any security breach is found involving our apps, we request our customers to contact us as soon as possible.
You can contact us using support channels mentioned in our Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Security bug fix Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Critical severity bugs to be fixed in app within 4 weeks of being reported
High severity bugs to be fixed in app within 6 weeks of being reported
Medium/Low severity bugs to be fixed in app within 8 weeks of being reported
Cloud add-ons: When a fix is made, our Cloud customers might need to update to latest version. This should happen automatically in most cases. Some updates need manual approval.
Server add-ons: For server version, we will release fix with new add-on version. We will follow same back port policy as Atlassian.