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Delete Labels in Jira

Delete a label

You can remove labels that are not needed anymore in your Jira environment. When you delete labels using this app, those labels will be completely removed from all associated issues.

If you just want to edit or merge the duplicate labels, please refer to this page Edit or Merge Labels in Jira instead.

To delete a label:

  1. Go to Apps → Manage Labels

  2. Find the label and click Delete or a delete icon. A confirm window will open, click Yes, proceed.

If you have a label that is used in too many issues, this operation might take a while.

To delete a label only in a project, go to Project → Manage Labels instead.

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 14.08.49-20250106-071019.png

Delete label


Confirm delete label

Bulk Delete Labels

To delete multiple labels:

  1. Go to Apps → Manage Labels

  2. Check the labels and click Delete. A confirm window will open, click Yes, proceed.

Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 15.29.09-20250106-082945.png

Check labels to delete

Sometimes deleted labels are still suggested in label field, please refer to Known Issues & limitations for workaround.

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