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Managing Jira Labels

You can search default Jira labels, visualize them in one place, and find all issues by label.

Search, filter and view all labels in one place (globally)

You can search, list and administer all labels in Jira system wide (i.e. labels used in all projects).

To do so, go to Jira top navigation and find Manage Labels.

Please note that this feature needs admin or global permissions. If you do not see Manage Labels tab, it is likely that you do not have permission. Please ask your admin for access rights.

If you are admin or have correct permissions, it should look like below:

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 11.25.32-20240209-062330.png

Manage Labels App Global-Level

Need to search issues by label to see what in issues a label used? Just click on View filter, and it will show a Jira filter with all the issues under a label.

View all labels in one place (per project)

In order to view all labels and number of issues under a specific label, click on Manage Labels tab on left sidebar in your Jira project.

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 12.36.57-20240209-063302.png

Manage Labels App Project-Level

Find label usage and search for issues by label

You can simply search specific labels, sort labels by number of issues or alphabetically and quickly understand how they are used.

To find issues by label, click on view issues link, which will list all issues tagged with this label.

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 12.37.40-20240209-064012.png

Search and Sort Labels

Follow these guides to edit, merge and delete labels.

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